Deep Tissue Massage
Deep tissue massage is used to break up scar tissue with firm pressure and break down muscle adhesions. The “knots” that we feel in our muscles are muscle adhesions. These knots can inhibit our circulation and cause pain and inflammation. The massage professional may use their elbow or specially designed massage tools in certain areas to apply pressure. However, sometimes the initial reaction to a Deep Tissue Massage can be anything but pleasant. The process of healing sometimes includes a healing crisis, also known as a detox reaction, or the cleansing reaction. During a healing crisis, you can feel even worse than before you started the detox. The good news is that this reaction is likely a sign that you’re getting better by way of a deep and thorough cleansing. On your part, let the Massage Therapist know when the pressure gets too much for you.
Ping Cai
Yiru Cai
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